Psychic • Tarot Reader • Spiritual Mentor

Please ensure you are 18+ before purchasing a Tarot Reading 🚨

Hello hello, welcome! My name is Audj (pronounced “Awwdj”), and I am a psychic/spiritually gifted Lightworker who is here to guide you on your spiritual journey through my unique ability to read tarot while also connecting with my clair-senses. I am gifted with Clairaudience (the gift of receiving audible messages from the spirit realm), Clairvoyance (the gift of perceiving beyond the ordinary through visions), Claircognizance (the gift to acquire knowledge about someone or something without a logical explanation), and Clairsentience (the gift to connect/tap into another person's energy and experience their emotions, which comes with being a very strong Empath). I specialize in soul connections, so most of my tarot readings focus on love, though I also offer career readings on occasion.

When you book a tarot reading with me, you can expect detailed and honest answers that provide clarity and peace, helping you navigate your situation with confidence. I believe in delivering the truth, and it may not be what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. However, please do not let that discourage you from booking a reading with me! My goal is to support and guide you with empathy and sincerity. While I may offer tough love at times, I do so with respect and compassion, as my purpose is to offer spiritual guidance and wisdom which will help you connect with your higher-self; a journey that is not always easy to navigate, but one that I am here to guide you through.

A few more things to keep in mind when considering me to be your go-to psychic/tarot reader/spiritual mentor: I do not perform “spell-work” and I do not answer questions pertaining to the lottery, legal matters, health concerns, pregnancy, as well as other people’s relationships. I kindly ask that you respect my boundaries and refrain from encouraging me to go against what aligns with my values and practice, otherwise it will result in you being permanently removed from my clientele/reading list.

If you decide to book a reading with me and have ill intentions, I will not proceed with the reading. I only use my gifts for good and do not wish harm on anyone.

Please remember that tarot readings should be approached responsibly and are not a replacement for therapy (should you require support beyond the spiritual insight I provide). I say this with love, please do not purchase a tarot reading if you are in a negative headspace. You will find the messages I have to deliver more insightful if you are in a more receptive state, which will allow you to listen with an open mind.

I look forward to guiding you on your spiritual journey.

Love & Light 💖 Audj